Hey guys! I finally got around to editing our Alice in Wonderland photos. OMG, this family of mine! I'm so grateful they all love Halloween (and dressing up) as much as I do! Tooth wins an award for putting up with me!!!
Since I was little I have loved Halloween. I am a sucker for a costume party and Tooth and I have always really enjoyed this holiday together! But I think I accidentally took it to a whole new level this year. :-D #oops But don't let Tooth fool you. He loves a good wig and face paint! LOL For reals! It's like he didn't fully celebrate Halloween if he doesn't get to wear a wig. Bahahaha. I love him.
I got randomly excited about the idea of Blake and I dressing up together and taking some mother-daughter pictures in pretty costumes/dresses. When I mentioned this to Tooth he said are the rest of us going to dress up?!? I told you he loves Halloween, guys! I wasn't planning on getting all five of us dressed up because I knew it would be a lot of work. But it ended up being a ton of fun and even though he'll never admit it, I think Tooth had a blast getting everyone dressed up and taking pics! :)
It was a lot of work getting all of these outfits together for this shoot! I ordered most of Tim's costume on Amazon. Same goes for TJ and Ryder. My amazingly talented mom made Blakely's Alice dress! Isn't it just the cutest?!? #hearteyes She also made my Queen of Hearts skirt, the white poofy necklace thingy I'm wearing and my hat! My mom is seriously amazing! She is currently living in Utah. I sent her a bunch of inspiration pics from Pinterest and told her what I did and didn't like about each and she whipped this up! I have no idea how she does it. Then she packaged it all cute and sent it to my house! Holy smokes. I seriously LOVE these costumes she made. I'm so sad that Blakely won't fit in this costume after this year! :( It's so darling.
I did Tim and TJ's makeup. My amazing and talented friend, Sarah did my makeup. Other than that, getting dressed was pretty easy. Just time consuming! Tim's Mad Hatter wig came with big, bushy orange eye brows. HAHAHA. They are awesome. The hat kind of covers them up, but they wouldn't stick. So he ended up using SUPER GLUE to keep them on. HA!!!! I'm seriously laughing remembering this. So funny. I was like OH SHIT, that's gonna leave a mark!! But it didn't, came off just fine.
So here are wayyyy too many pictures of my adorable little family. I actually think everyone enjoyed dressing up, except Ryder. He was so upset about that big hat! :) But thank goodness we brought Laffy Taffy along to bribe him. Ha! #momwin