I make an effort to have the family sit down together as often as possible each week to eat a family dinner together. I keep it simple. Super simple, haha. Usually we are eating with paper plates and the water bottles the kids have been using throughout the day. The point of this meal together isn't to be impressive or fancy. It's just to be together. The kids help set the table and we always use (easy to clean) placemats and have a candle. These are things I need for it to feel like a "family meal" that isn't rushed and feels purposeful.
When we sit down to dinner, we all talk about our day. We go around the table and talk about our "favorite" part of the day and our "least favorite" part of the day. This is SO simple, yet somehow it always sparks further conversation and I'm often surprised by everyones answer. It's great to know a bit more about every family members day. If this part of the conversation goes quickly, then we will also go around the table and say something we're grateful for from that day in particular. This conversation is easy and playful with the kids. And they love it!
Studies show that families who eat together three times a week - minimum - are likely to have closer relationships, better grades and reduced stress. (See articles here and here. There are so many benefits to eating together as a family!) I want nothing more than to be purposeful with our time together as a family. This is one way I try to make our time together meaningful and special.
This recipe is so easy and loved by all. I cook the chicken breast in crockpot with chicken broth (HIGH for 4 hours or LOW for 8 hours). Use enough chicken broth that all the chicken in crockpot is covered. Once this is cooked, I take the chicken out of the broth and shred it.
I cook veggie tots in oven for 18 minutes at 450. Once those are cooked, I top with the shredded chicken and shredded cheddar cheese. The amount of chicken and cheese is whatever you prefer! I put this back in the oven for about 5 minutes and then top with avocado ranch dressing. That's it. So easy!
Would love to know if you guys try these easy recipes. Tag me on the gram (@whatsup_buttarcup) or DM me. Hope you guys love this easy meal. :)
Here is FOOD SCALE I use to measure my food.

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