Some big news over here! We are moving!! Tooth and I have made the tough decision to move our family from our current home. We are heartbroken to leave the home we've spent the past six years making our own, but it's obvious that it is the best decision for our family. (We will still be in Colorado! And hopefully not far from here we currently live.)
To make a long story short, we've felt it pressing on our hearts that we need to move for several reasons. We are so sad and it will be SO hard on me because I'm
overly sentimental. We moved into this home a month before we were married and we've been through a lot in this house. We brought both our babies home from the hospital to this place and it truly feels like home.
We bought this home in foreclosure six years ago and have spent so much money, time and energy to get this place perfect. It has been a long, never ending project. I always told Tooth that once we got it all fixed up, we'd end up moving! And now here we are. We just finished painting our kitchen white (something I've wanted to do since we moved in!) and now we're selling!!
Although we are
so sad (insert ugly cry face) to leave this gorgeous home (and memories) behind, we are excited for the future and all the possibilities.
This phase of trying to sell a home with three kids (two being crazy toddlers!) is tough! It's a ton of work to keep this place clean and in "show condition". Any prayers or positive vibes are much appreciated as we take on this big change!
When we put the house on the market (about a month ago), I knew I would want to get some pictures of us all in our home. This home we've spent our entire marriage in and the place we have made our own - and grown our family! Lisa was kind enough to come over and get some photos in our home. I absolutely love these pictures and will forever cherish them.
Formal Living Room:
This room (and the dining room) were the last to be completed in our home. Our home was stripped when we bought it and I loved getting to pick out all the new chandeliers and the oversized artwork above the couch! We have a grand entry here and I absolutely love how these rooms came together. I am so sad to leave them behind (even though they are never used!! LOL Ever.)
I had dreams of getting multiple large Christmas trees for the entry way and living room in the future and envisioned our family opening up presents Christmas morning in this room, sipping on hot chocolate.
Formal Dining Room:
This room was used once! So sad! This is another room I dreamt of hosting dinners and get togethers with friends and family in. Last Thanksgiving Tim's dad and stepmom were here and that was the only time we ever actually sat here for a formal meal! I love everything about this room.
Family Room:
You don't really see the full effect of this room (or the kitchen) here, but these are the rooms we live in. I wanted this space to feel cozy and inviting. This space will be missed soo much. So many memories were made in this room. So many laughs, arguments, tantrums, poopy diapers, learning to breast feed, watching our babies first steps, snuggling sick kids and more all happened in these rooms. My heart is so sad to leave this all behind!
Blakely's Room:
This was Ryder's baby room when he was born and Blakely took over when she came into our world. This room will be one of the hardest for me to leave behind. The sign above her crib and the yardstick (to measure the kids heights throughout life) were made by my mom and I while when Ryder was a little baby. I will never get rid of these because of the memories and sentimental value they hold. My mom is so talented and made that sign! I basically just stood there watching here, paralyzed watching her in her element. She made this sign quickly and smoothly. I wish I had her talent!
Blakely got a new chandelier, rug and bedding when she was born. Other than that, everything else has been in there since Ryder was born.
My absolute favorite part about this gorgeous room is the built-in shelves. My husband made them!!!! Guys, he made them!! What?! I remember being very pregnant and showing him a picture of something similar (but way less cool!) on Pinterest and he was like, "oh, I can make something better than that!" I was like... huh?? Long story short, he did. And I will forever be impressed and in love with this project. I have vidid memories sitting on the floor watching him work on those shelves. I would bring him snacks and water and just sit there bugging him while he was trying to concentrate. Ha!
I wrote a blog post about how sad I was when Ryder was leaving his baby room for his big boy room. You can read that blog post
here. My feelings for leaving behind this room are intense. SOoooo many memories and first-time experiences with my babies in these walls. I will SOB the day our house sells. Just because of this room.
Master Bedroom:
You don't get a full idea of just how large this room is here, but it is so pretty! I have always loved climbing into bed at night and watching tv here. It's cozy and my fav. These hilarious pictures of us jumping on the bed are too good! lol
This is a room we will likely no longer have when we move. We will miss it so much! This bonus room is upstairs outside all the kids rooms. We have a huge tv in here and spend a TON of time here. The kids have a million toys here and can make a big mess. They love it! Sooo many memories in here with the kids. Tim and I also spend a lot of time together in this room at night after the kiddies have gone to bed. We love marathoning through our shows. Sitting here drinking whatever specialty cocktail Tooth has made for us and watching show after show together. OMG Gonna miss this place.

Photos by:
Lisa Pummel Photography
The boys rooms were photographed, but the kids were toast by then. There are already so many pictures here! Ha! Sorry for the overload. And for the emotional mess I am and will be once we do leave this place behind. I know it's just a house and home is where our family is. We will love whenever we go and will make new memories there. But by golly, I'm gonna miss this place and forever cherish the memories we made together in this home!
My dress is from Anthropologie - shop
Blakely's dress is from H&M - shop
here (also love
this one!)
Thank you all so much for your support and prayers during this time! We so appreciate all the love and support we've received from friends and family. xo